“…ease and authenticity”

“…ease and authenticity”

I’d like to wrap things up with my adventure in the PranaFidelity room. In the past I had only seen Steven Norber from a distance, but this was my first time meeting him. Steven is one of those audio celebrities who’s hard to ignore. He projects a unique form of energy, and he must have […]

“Fabulous stuff –amazingly full, balanced, musical presentation…”

“Fabulous stuff –amazingly full, balanced, musical presentation…”

Fifty90 Speakers Small window today due to travel so I decided to concentrate my efforts in revisiting a few places that left questions in my mind. Magico were not showing Sunday so no chance to revisit thus hauling self back to the Marriott, I had to make a visit to Prana Fidelity whose room captivated […]

Felicitous PranaFidelity

Felicitous PranaFidelity

As is his wont, Steve Norber of PranaFidelity was once again cheerfully and seemingly effortlessly bringing great sound to the RMAF Atrium. This year, he elected to demonstrate his Fifty90 stand mount loudspeakers ($3,950). Preamplification was from the purna/ca, which is available as a single-ended line stage for $4,500, balanced for $5,950, single-ended with a […]

Favorite Speakers Under $5,000: PranaFidelity

Favorite Speakers Under $5,000: PranaFidelity

Vayu/fs Speakers This category actually had some pretty good competition this year, with excellent performances from the aforementioned AllSonics and from Chapman’s T-5s. But the speakers that my thoughts keep returning to with admiration are PranaFidelity’s Fifty90 ($3,950). While I’m sure these speakers were helped along by Steve Norber’s excellent electronics, I was enormously impressed […]

Best of Show

Best of Show

Vayu/fs Speakers “With a number of digital and analog tracks of reference quality, the PranaFidelity package delivered remarkable bass definition and tonal accuracy, making it a contender for the best-sounding system at a not-so-stratospheric price.” Steven Norber designs and builds loudspeakers and electronics under the name PranaFidelity — all known for their ability to offer […]

“Nothing Short of Wall Bending”

“Nothing Short of Wall Bending”

Vayu/fs Speakers “…the performance was nothing short of wall bending. The system easily communicated the tonal richness of the Miyajima cart, with the Prana electronics adding just about no grain to the completely musical presentation.” Prana Fidelity‘s Steven Norber always seems to be smiling about something. He’s just one of those guys who seems to […]

“…great dynamic range and musicality.”

“…great dynamic range and musicality.”

PranaFiedlity were playing their strangely named Vayu/fs which at $6950 are a great price, for a speaker with such great dynamic range and musicality.  It competes with many other loud speakers with a much higher price point.

Newport 2014. PranaFidelity

Newport 2014. PranaFidelity

PranaFidelity $6,950 Vayu/fs speakers, $8,950 Purna amplifier, $4,500-$9,950 Purna preamp I heard this system evolve over the days at the show. Always sounded good to me; however they did put a lot of work into optimizing the in-room bass response. So much so that on the final day, when these photos were taken, I heard […]

“Speakers that deserve serious attention…”

“Speakers that deserve serious attention…”

Vayu/fs Speakers Steven Norber designs and builds loudspeakers and electronics under the name PranaFidelity — all known for their ability to offer sound quality beyond what is often thought possible for the price. Norber eschews expensive cosmetic faceplate armor but does not cut corners under the hood. His Vayu/fs speakers ($6950/pair), discussed separately, were driven […]

“…Vayu/fs speakers was amazingly good.”

“…Vayu/fs speakers was amazingly good.”

PranaFidelity Making noise in Ayre, Boulder, and PS Audio’s backyard A relaxed atmosphere at the end of a long hard day to just sit down and enjoy some good old vinyl. PranaFidelity is located in Colorado, where a lot of other top names hail from – is it something about the clean air up there? […]

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